Castlevania The Ecstasy of Dracula

PS: I rote thins kind of fastly so tell me if there are any tipoes
Simon Belmont thrws holy water at ground. Ground stays, so Simons Belmont walk. Simon Belmont thrower more holy water but go through. Simon Belmont jumpes over. Simon Belmont whipped the wall, destroyed brik and ate pork chop. Dracula came.

"Oh Simon Belmont, I didn't notce you there. I will going to eats your throat. Dracula bited Simon Belmont, but Simon Belmont whipped/ Darcula hit and died. Just the Dracula came life. Sexy Lady came. Simon Belmont said to Sexy "Hey Sexy help me cill Draculi." Sexy "Said don't be happy! Sexy stuck her weapon into Dracula but Dracula used Draculas hand to go inside Sexy.
Sexy dies. Simon Belmont says "no." Simon Belmont whipped Dracula nd Dracula killed Fracula. Dracula came again. He goed inside Sexy's dead body when he came. Sexy came. She attack Sion Belmont with a sord but Simon Belmont ate the sordf. He whipped Sexy and killed her again. Dracula came out of Sexy's body..
Dracula said "Neverl hav I has such a nice one." Sim on Belmont angry. "You. You. You will die by getting hitted by me Dracula" to Dracula this was said by Simon Belmont. Simon Belmont wipped a candle and devowerd a heart to give Simon Belmont.
Simon Belmont threw his boner at Dracula. It nocked Dracula down caus of its sheer bigness. Simon Belmont's boner came back and he threw it out the window. "Darcul I will kill aouy." Darclua died. "no." Dracula said. Dracula died.
Simon Belmont went home. Simon Belmont cooked a prokc hoph and ate it to refill Simon Belmont.